It has been a long time coming but we are back!


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Things were getting boring on the old site and it was unfortunately forgot about by us.  Our posts were few and far between, which we promise will not happen this time.  Now on this new site you can interact with Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and many other popular social media sites.  We now have a Paratools social community in where everyone can interact with each other on our own social media area.  A forum area to discuss what you want, when you want.  

An Evidence area in where you can upload potential evidence caught by our tools.  All guests will be able to review and comment their thoughts on what you upload.  Sections are broken up as audio, video, photographs, and logs/documents.  Each area will have the ability to watch/listen/view/read what is uploaded in each section.  We have areas for past interviews and reviews of our tools by other respected sites.  You can find out anything about us and what we do and why we do it, our future plans, contests and promotions (many that will ONLY be available through this site.  There will be giveaways for apps, shirts, one of a kind items, games, etc.  We added an area for you to add you ideas, suggestions, comments, and complaints (which we hope will be very few).  We also like to give credit where credit is due.  We have many special friends that we want you to know about.  They have blog-casts, internet radio shows, podcasts, stores, and much more.

Although we love to be able to tell you about us, we also enjoy to bring you interesting happenings in the paranormal community.  Other peoples new ideas, helpful articles, and a section where you can learn to build your own tools as well.  Then we have an area that showcases what we are most proud of, our tools/applications.  Each one is featured on its own page with pictures, descriptions, and user reviews.

As you can see we love the paranormal and want to do all we can to advance the field in any way we can.  Come join us in our second home and interact with like minded, passionate people.  Continue visiting and make sure you come back often as we will be updating this site frequently.

Enjoy & Happy Hunting

Ed B. - Paratools Founder